DATE CHANGE: Now Saturday, July 25th…
We will likely fire up the oven outside and bake some arizmendi pizzas. Bring other things you want to put in the oven, or food to share.
–¼DJ Siobhan Aluvalot
–¼Tarot Readings by Jade Fair
More music TBA…
This will be one of the last chances to buy lexicons, we have less than 100 left.
–¼The Lesbian Lexicon documents words invented to describe previously unnamed queer phenomenon, words already used in popular queer vernacular, and a few gay words of antiquity. –¼
–¼Event is FREE // Donations to Tenderloin National Forest Accepted.–¼
–¼Bring Cash $$$$$ to buy your own LEXICON. Lexicons are $5-$10 dollars sliding scale. A proceed of sales go to TGIJP Intersex Justice Project)–¼
Craig Calderwood :: Cle Torres // Sativa Rose
:: Saiya Miller :: Miriam Klein Stahl :: Lena Wolff
Annie Danger :: Amanda Verwey :: John Cartwright :: Stevie Ann:: Gabby Miller :: Việt Lê :: Princess Donna: Just Shannon :: Siobhan Aluvalot :: Ivy Jean :: Daniela Sea :: Zakiya Zaziboi :: Crystal Wilson // Yomamma Mcgee :: Sylvia Viviana // Fanciulla Gentile :: Caroline Paquita :: Eliza Barrios :: Ammo Eisu:: Sam Pena :: Elizabeth Scott :: Terry X :: Emi + Munira : Anya Black :Mel Pak :: Jesse Riggins ::
Our mission is to build community by organizing multidisciplinary arts programming accessible to and reflective of the Bay Area™s residents. Programs are designed to broaden social and aesthetic networks, and to encourage the flow of images and ideas between the diverse cultural communities that cross paths in our exceptionally dynamic downtown SF neighborhood,; to amplify the voices of the region™s diverse artists and residents, to promote inclusion and respect, to reduce inter-group tensions and to work towards dispelling the stereotypes and fears that continue to separate us.
The Tenderloin National Forest is supported by: The San Francisco Art Commission/California Arts Council Creative California Communities Re-Granting Cultural Commons Program, Walter & Elise Haas Family