Gallery Archives : 2008

œKick Out the Jams, Hot and Cold Show

locationthe luggage storedateMay 8 - Aug 6, 2008openingFriday, May 9, 2007, 6-8pm

organized by CHRIS DUNCAN + GRIFFIN McPARTLAND featuring work by artists featured in the current edition of œHot and Cold Mary Elizabeth Yarbrough, Amanda Eicher, Chris Taggart, Bill Dunlap, Christopher Robin Duncan, Ryan Jacob Smith, Julianna Bright, The Golden Bears, … MORE INFO →

SHELTERS in Cohen Alley + ANNEX

locationluggage store annexdateAPRIL 17, 2008 “ APRIL 24, 2008openingTHURSDAY, APRIL 17, 6-8PM

SHELTERS, curated by MILDRED HOWARD featuring new work by: Kate Torgersen Cameron Hockenson Mario Trejo Mandi Mutchler Laura Boles FawPART TWO JUNE 9-17, 2008 Five emerging artists address questions of human and avian displacement by urban development in the two-part … MORE INFO →


locationthe luggage storedateThursday, Mar 13 2008 8:00 PM

8pm RTD3 Ron Heglin – trombone Tom Nunn – sonic original inventions Doug Carroll – electric cello 9pm PB8 (from Lithuania) – Field Recording Collages PB8 is a Lithuanian sound and installation artist. Tonight he’ll be creating sound collages out … MORE INFO →

“Feral,” Swoon + Monica Canilao

locationthe luggage storedateMarch 21 - April 26openingFriday, March 21, 6-8pm

In “Feral,” a new installation at the luggage store, the collaborative team of Canilao and Swoon, use their practice of portraiture and building immersive environments to stitch together a scene populated by wicked women and feral girls. “the baba yaga … MORE INFO →

CREATIVE MUSIC SERIES, Lords of Outland, Eddie the Rat music

locationthe luggage storeopeningThursday, February 21, 2008 8:00 PM

$6-10 SLIDING SCALE DONATION, NO ONE REFUSED FOR LACK OF FUNDS Double CD Edgetone Release Performance 8pm Lords of Outland “ œYou can sleep when you™re dead! 9pm Eddie the Rat “ œInsomnia Sound Bible Rent Romus “ alto, soprano, … MORE INFO →