Gallery Archives
Like Tar, Like Baskets | Maria Paz, Grace Rosario Perkins, Cristienne Dugan Cuadra event

Like Tar, Like Baskets brings together new works in painting and ceramics from Maria Paz, Grace Rosario Perkins, and Cristienne Dugan Cuadra. Please join us at SWIM Gallery on July 19th from 6 to 9 pm for the exhibition … MORE INFO →
The House Plant Show event

A new exhibit at SWIM Gallery featuring 39 artists primarily based in The Bay Area that are making house-plant related artwork. Show curated by Yarrow Slaps and Auguste Somers. Location: 509 Ellis St. (@Leavenworth) SF, CA 94109 Exhibition Dates: … MORE INFO →
Away from Home Art | Pop-up Gallery Show event

Away from Home Art | Pop-up Gallery Show _ For over a year Keeping It Reel Workshop has been meeting at A Woman™s Place Shelter each Wednesday. We mend and create using fabric, yarn, paint and thread. Making … MORE INFO →
Casa de Spirits Tenderloin Mass event

Casa de Spirits Tenderloin Mass Campo Santo is currently moving through the creation of CASA DE SPIRITS & felt inspired to do something for the voyeuristic hotspot of humanity in full spectrum called the TL. To get you … MORE INFO →
POOLREADY! exhibition

SWIM Gallery | 509 Cultural Center 509 Ellis Street (@ Leavenworth) San Francisco, CA 94109 Free work-in-progress presentation April 19 and 20 at 7pm. Donations appreciated POOLREADY!, a new dance and multimedia piece choreographed by contemporary Butoh dancer … MORE INFO →