Gallery Archives : 2011

re-PRESENT: A Research Day at The Luggage Store Gallery, 11am-5:30pm

locationLuggage Store, 1007 6th & Market St.date12, 10, 2011

re-PRESENT: A Research Day at The Luggage Store Gallery, December 10, 11am to 5.30pm (1007 Market Street, near 6th St., San Francisco, CA) This one-day event concentrates on researching artistic practices that happen in the here and now and require both … MORE INFO →


IN THE MOMENT Closing 6-10pm

locationLuggage Store, 1007 6th & Marketclosing11, 26, 2011

  In The Moment Closing: Free and open to the public although a $5 donation is suggested. Also there will be a raffle with great prizes! Note that if you pay $5 you will be automatically entered in to the … MORE INFO →


LSPS: Mobile Projection Unit: Program TWO

curatorco-curators: Jorge Bachmann & Paz de la CalzadalocationLuggage Store Gallery (to be viewed from streetlevel)dateDec 1, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

The Luggage Store Gallery’s Projection Series presents
Mobile Projection Unit: Program TWO
WHEN: Thursday December 1
(6:30pm – 8:30pm)
WHERE: Luggage Store Gallery
1007 Market St. (at 6th)
(to be viewed from street level at 6th/Market)* MORE INFO →


“Keepsakes” by Brenna Ivanhoe

locationLuggage Store Annex @ 509 Ellisdate11, 1, 2011closing12, 30, 2011

Brenna Ivanhoe is conducting a painting keepsake interchange at the Luggage Store Annex/509 Cultural Center. During this residency, running through December, she will be borrowing personal effects from visitors in exchange for making an individual painting of that object. The … MORE INFO →


IN THE MOMENT: Benefit Art Sale & Auction, Sat. Nov. 5th

locationThe Luggage StoreopeningSat. Nov 5th, 2011@8 pm

NOW’S is a GREAT TIME TO SUPPORT THE LUGGAGE STORE, by purchasing work, making  a donation, volunteering, or?? etc… In The Moment:  A Benefit Sale/Auction for the Luggage Store SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2011 Exhibition thru NOVEMBER 26, 2011, GALLERY HOURS … MORE INFO →
